We investigate ensemble methods for prediction in an online setting. Unlike all the literature in ensembling, for the first time, we introduce a new approach using a meta learner that effectively combines the base model predictions via using a superset of the features that is the union of the base models' feature vectors instead of the predictions themselves. Here, our model does not use the predictions of the base models as inputs to a machine learning algorithm, but choose the best possible combination at each time step based on the state of the problem. We explore three different constraint spaces for the ensembling of the base learners that linearly combines the base predictions, which are convex combinations where the components of the ensembling vector are all nonnegative and sum up to 1; affine combinations where the weight vector components are required to sum up to 1; and the unconstrained combinations where the components are free to take any real value. The constraints are both theoretically analyzed under known statistics and integrated into the learning procedure of the meta learner as a part of the optimization in an automated manner. To show the practical efficiency of the proposed method, we employ a gradient-boosted decision tree and a multi-layer perceptron separately as the meta learners. Our framework is generic so that one can use other machine learning architectures as the ensembler as long as they allow for a custom differentiable loss for minimization. We demonstrate the learning behavior of our algorithm on synthetic data and the significant performance improvements over the conventional methods over various real life datasets, extensively used in the well-known data competitions. Furthermore, we openly share the source code of the proposed method to facilitate further research and comparison.
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The goal of this work is to localize sound sources in visual scenes with a self-supervised approach. Contrastive learning in the context of sound source localization leverages the natural correspondence between audio and visual signals where the audio-visual pairs from the same source are assumed as positive, while randomly selected pairs are negatives. However, this approach brings in noisy correspondences; for example, positive audio and visual pair signals that may be unrelated to each other, or negative pairs that may contain semantically similar samples to the positive one. Our key contribution in this work is to show that using a less strict decision boundary in contrastive learning can alleviate the effect of noisy correspondences in sound source localization. We propose a simple yet effective approach by slightly modifying the contrastive loss with a negative margin. Extensive experimental results show that our approach gives on-par or better performance than the state-of-the-art methods. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the introduction of a negative margin to existing methods results in a consistent improvement in performance.
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为了在医学成像研究中保持标准,图像应具有必要的图像质量,以进行潜在的诊断使用。尽管基于CNN的方法用于评估图像质量,但仍可以从准确性方面提高其性能。在这项工作中,我们通过使用SWIN Transformer来解决此问题,这改善了导致医疗图像质量降解的质量质量差分类性能。我们在胸部X射线(Object-CXR)和心脏MRI上的左心室流出路分类问题(LVOT)上测试了胸部X射线(Object-CXR)和左心室流出路分类问题的方法。虽然我们在Object-CXR和LVOT数据集中获得了87.1%和95.48%的分类精度,但我们的实验结果表明,SWIN Transformer的使用可以改善对象CXR分类性能,同时获得LVOT数据集的可比性能。据我们所知,我们的研究是医学图像质量评估的第一个Vision Transformer应用程序。
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展开的神经网络最近实现了最先进的MRI重建。这些网络通过在基于物理的一致性和基于神经网络的正则化之间交替来展开迭代优化算法。但是,它们需要大型神经网络的几次迭代来处理高维成像任务,例如3D MRI。这限制了基于反向传播的传统训练算法,这是由于较大的记忆力和计算梯度和存储中间激活的计算要求。为了应对这一挑战,我们提出了加速MRI(GLEAM)重建的贪婪学习,这是一种高维成像设置的有效培训策略。 GLEAM将端到端网络拆分为脱钩的网络模块。每个模块都以贪婪的方式优化,并通过脱钩的梯度更新,从而减少了训练过程中的内存足迹。我们表明,可以在多个图形处理单元(GPU)上并行执行解耦梯度更新,以进一步减少训练时间。我们介绍了2D和3D数据集的实验,包括多线圈膝,大脑和动态心脏Cine MRI。我们观察到:i)闪闪发光的概括以及最先进的记忆效率基线,例如具有相同内存足迹的梯度检查点和可逆网络,但训练速度更快1.3倍; ii)对于相同的内存足迹,闪光在2D中产生1.1dB PSNR的增益,而3D在端到端基线中产生1.8 dB。
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我们开发了快速算法和可靠软件,以凸出具有Relu激活功能的两层神经网络的凸优化。我们的工作利用了标准的重量罚款训练问题作为一组组-YELL_1 $调查的数据本地模型的凸重新印度,其中局部由多面体锥体约束强制执行。在零规范化的特殊情况下,我们表明此问题完全等同于凸“ Gated Relu”网络的不受约束的优化。对于非零正则化的问题,我们表明凸面式relu模型获得了RELU训练问题的数据依赖性近似范围。为了优化凸的重新制定,我们开发了一种加速的近端梯度方法和实用的增强拉格朗日求解器。我们表明,这些方法比针对非凸问题(例如SGD)和超越商业内部点求解器的标准训练启发式方法要快。在实验上,我们验证了我们的理论结果,探索组-ELL_1 $正则化路径,并对神经网络进行比例凸的优化,以在MNIST和CIFAR-10上进行图像分类。
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